Tisovec Lutheran High School      
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Election of the Pomegranate company

On Wednesday, 27 September 2017, elections for the new student company Pomegranate were held. This year, they were a bit unconventional because the management was not only elected by the former company and Mr. Čajko, but also by the members of the new company.
After the presidential candidates - Júlia Molentová, Alena Tkáčiková and Andrea Uličná - presented their pograms, the anonymous votes were counted and Ms Aneta Vetráková, the president of the former student company, announced the name of the new president - Júlia Molentová.
Presentations of candidates for the position of vice president of marketing bore in the spirit of the proposal of the theme of the 22nd prom, where - in the contest with Romana Medveďová and Simona Révayová - Anna Celanová won with her theme of surrealism.
Marketing manager is Simona Révayová. Vice-president for human resources became Petra Laurenčíková and her manager is Paulína Turisová. The post of vice president for production was taken by the only man in the firm, Dávid Filipiak, with his proposal of the gummy candies. The production manager is creative Rebecca Ďurišová.
Andrea Uličná took the position of Vice-President for finance and her competitor, Lenka Astalošová, became the manager of finance. The head of the Supervisory Board is Romana Medveďová and Alena Tkáčiková became Coordinator of the EWB.
Before the election the atmosphere was tense, because no candidate was able to do his performance without stage fright, but even so, each of them has done his/her best.
We thank all that came to support us. We believe that the mangement has been chosen correctly and we will be working to ensure that our new company will become a benefit for EGT the next year!

text and photo: Júlia Molentová, 4. B

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Výberové konanie do firmy Pomegranate

V stredu, 27. septembra 2017 sa uskutočnili voľby do novej študentskej spoločnosti Pomegranate. Toho roku, prebiehali trochu netradične, pretože manažment nebol volený len bývalou firmou a pánom Čajkom, ale taktiež aj novými členmi firmy.
Po prezentáciách kandidátok na post prezidenta – Júlie Molentovej, Aleny Tkáčikovej a Andrey Uličnej, sa anonymné hlasy spočítali a pani prezidentka bývalej študentskej spoločnosti Aneta Vetráková nám oznámila meno novej prezidentky – Júlie Molentovej.
Prezentácie kandidátov na post viceprezidenta pre marketing sa niesli v duchu návrhu témy 22. školského plesu, kde v súboji s Romanou Medveďovou a Simonou Révayovou zabodovala zo svojou témou surrealizmu Anna Celanová.
Manažérkou marketingu je Simona Révayová. Viceprezidentkou pre ľudské zdroje sa stala výrečná Petra Laurenčíková a jej manažérskou pravou rukou Paulína Turisová. Postu viceprezidenta pre výrobu sa ujal jediný muž firmy Dávid Filipiak so svojim návrhom pre produkt gumených cukríkov a manažérkou pre výrobu je kreatívna Rebeka Ďurišová.
Andrea Uličná obsadila funkciu viceprezidenta pre financie a jej konkurentka, Lenka Astalošová, sa stala manažérkou financií. Vedúcou dozornej rady je Romana Medveďová a Koordinárorkou EWB sa stala Alena Tkáčiková.
Pred voľbami sa dala atmosféra doslova krájať, pretože ani jeden kandidát sa nezaobišiel bez nevítaného hosťa – trémy, no aj napriek tomu každý zo seba vydal to najlepšie.
Ďakujeme všetkým čo nás prišli podporiť. Veríme, že manžment bol zvolený správne a počas nasledujúceho roka sa budeme snažiť, aby naša nová firma bola pre školu prínosom!

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Tisovec Lutheran High School, Jesenského 836, 98061 Tisovec, 047 5511 700, skola@egt.sk